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GLOBAL DIGITAL TIMES | TRADITIONAL CHILDREN'S GAMES - Children's Traditional Games . Playing is one of the hobbies that is inherent in humans, because humans are essentially creatures who like to play ( homo ludens ). But nowadays, not many people, both adults and children, know about traditional games. In fact, if we know that there are very many traditional games that are very good, good, interesting, and educative. This is due to the development of technology so that traditional games shift their existence.

Now, on this occasion I will explain a little about traditional children's games, what are traditional children's games, how to do them, and what are the benefits of traditional games if we play them.

There are various types of traditional games that children often do when playing, namely playing marbles, hide and seek, boy-boyan, snakes and ladders, bebentengan, poles, stilts, and jump rope. besides that there are still many other traditional games that can be learned and played.

Playing with traditional games is certainly very different from playing with modern tools or games. This is because in traditional games children use more manual equipment, makeshift tools, and are played in a simple way, but children are required to be active. For example playing hide and seek, children gather with an unspecified number, then choose one of the children to be a guard, the way to determine this guard is usually by hompimpa. Then this guard's job is to find his friends who are hiding, in the process of hiding the guard will count from 1-10 in a state of not seeing or brakes to give his friends a chance to hide. After finishing counting, the guard looked for his friends who were hiding.

Whereas playing modern games is very easy, for example a child wants to play hide and seek, the child no longer has to gather his friends to play but he chooses a gadget or a video game and he just plays it to his heart's content without counting, without searching and without leaving the house .

In this case I'm sure you will think very wisely in choosing which game to use by your child or yourself. There are so many factors that influence the existence of these two games. Both traditional games and modern games have their positive and negative values.

But who would have thought if we understood that there are several types of traditional games that can hone children's gross motor skills. So you are curious what traditional children's games can hone the gross motor skills of the child in question.! for example, like stilts, playing stilts really requires the muscles of the legs and arms so it is very good for the development of children's gross motor skills. Other types of games are jumping rope, gobak sodor, crank, and fortifications.

So that's a discussion about traditional children's games that I can convey, hopefully it's useful.